Beyond Trophies: The Lifelong Benefits of Debate Training

CogitoDebate, often associated with trophies and accolades, offers far more than just competitive victories. It's a crucible for honing a...
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Debate Club vs. Speech and Debate Class: Choosing the Right Fit for You

Ever considered honing your public speaking skills and becoming a master of argumentation? If so, you've likely stumbled upon two...
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Public Speaking Made Easy: Essential Skills Learned in Speech and Debate Classes

Do sweaty palms and a racing heart plague you at the thought of public speaking? You're not alone. Public speaking...
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How to Use Body Language Effectively in Public Speaking

How to Use Body Language Effectively in Public Speaking Mastering the art of public speaking goes beyond just words—it involves...
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Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Debate

Developing Critical Thinking Skills Through Debate Imagine a classroom buzzing with energy as students passionately argue their points, counter their...
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The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child to a Mock Trial / Debate Course at Cogito

The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child to a Mock Trial / Debate Course at Cogito

The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child to a Mock Trial / Debate Course at Cogito By: Coach Yong Fall is...
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Find Your Voice: Speech Debate Class – The Ultimate Confidence Booster

Do you dream of expressing yourself clearly and confidently? Do you yearn to engage in meaningful discussions and debates on...
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Conquering Your Fears: A Beginner’s Guide to Speech and Debate Class pen_spark

The thought of standing in front of an audience, let alone arguing a point, can send shivers down anyone's spine....
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Harnessing the Power of Summer Debate Camps for Youth Development

Harnessing the Power of Summer Debate Camps for Youth Development As summer approaches, parents and students alike seek enriching activities...
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The Power of Words: How Online Debate Classes Empower Young Minds

In our hyper-connected world, the ability to articulate ideas and engage in constructive discourse is no longer a luxury, it's...
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Building Youth Confidence Through Speech and Debate

Building Youth Confidence Through Speech and Debate

Confidence is a cornerstone of success, empowering individuals to navigate life's challenges with self-assurance and poise. And in today's competitive...
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Online Debate Classes

Online Debate Classes

Communication skills are more crucial than ever. Everyone today should be equipped with the tools they need to succeed in...
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The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in a Summer Debate Camp

The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in a Summer Debate Camp

The Benefits of Enrolling Your Child in a Summer Debate Camp Summer is the perfect time for children to explore...
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Proven Techniques for Confident Public Speaking

Proven Techniques for Confident Public Speaking

Proven Techniques for Confident Public Speaking Proven Techniques for Confident Public SpeakingProven Techniques for Confident Public SpeakingPublic speaking is an...
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How To Win Debate Competitions?

How To Win Debate Competitions?

Debate is an Interesting and dynamic activity. It will not only aid in academic development but in overall aspects. We...
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Online Debate Classes – Here Is The Best Debate School For Your Child

Online Debate Classes – Here Is The Best Debate School For Your Child

Children love exploring new things. They are more energetic, quick, and Smart. They are constantly looking out for something Interesting...
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Speech and Debate for Middle School Students – What Is The Difference Between Debate And An Argument?

Speech and Debate for Middle School Students – What Is The Difference Between Debate And An Argument?

We often understand debating is equal to arguing over a fact or an issue. However, there is a difference between...
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What Are The Seven Essentials Of Effective Communication?

What Are The Seven Essentials Of Effective Communication?

It's no secret that children are good mimics. Kids enjoy learning by observing and copying the behaviors they see around...
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Speech and Debate Highschool Students – What Are The Program Offerings From Our Parliamentary Debate Class?

Speech and Debate Highschool Students – What Are The Program Offerings From Our Parliamentary Debate Class?

Children love speaking. And if they don’t, fuel it with confidence and help them develop interest. That is what the...
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Speech and Debate Highschool Students – How Speech and Debate Can Help Develop Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence?

Speech and Debate Highschool Students – How Speech and Debate Can Help Develop Your Child’s Emotional Intelligence?

Debate is a tool for developing critical thinking and communication skills. Cogito debate strives to refine these skills through the...
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